Teacher Storage and Organization Ideas

Dramatic Play Theme Storage System for Preschool

Do you have a lot of stuff? That was a trick question; anybody who has or works with young children has a lot of stuff! But there’s a big difference between having a lot of stuff and finding the room to store it all. Then there’s the issue of keeping it organized so you can find what you need when you need it. These tried and true teacher storage ideas will help you solve those pesky organizational problems.

Theme Tub Organization System for Preschoo

Teacher Storage Solutions

In the picture above you can see how I store all of my dramatic play props and materials for my professional development sessions. I purchased the PVC storage shelf pictured above from Amazon.

Storage and Organization Video

I used to store my dramatic play props and workshop materials in big plastic tubs, but it was difficult to find what I needed. I was wasting too much time digging around in the boxes searching for things.

When I switched to storing the items for each of my dramatic play themes separately in file boxes it really helped speed things up.

Each box is clearly labeled on the end with the name of the dramatic play scenario. I printed the labels out on AstroBrights paper and attached them to the end of each box so I can quickly locate what I need.

Dramatic Play Storage Ideas
Here’s what the inside of one of my dramatic play storage boxes looks like, this is the Hot Chocolate Dramatic Play kit.

Theme Tub Storage Boxes and Labels

Teacher Storage: Theme Tubs

So you’ve seen how I store my dramatic play materials, here is how I store my thematic materials.

This is my garage by the way, and these are only some of the thematic tubs I have. The tubs pictured here are from the Container Store.

Each tub holds everything from printables and manipulatives to story props.

Classroom Library Labels for Pre-K

Teacher Storage: Books

Books for read-alouds are stored in these inexpensive book boxes pictured above. Each box has a label to help you keep your books organized, so you can find the books you need quickly, when you need them!

I tried using colorful, laminated pieces of posterboard to separate my books on shelves early on in my career, but it just didn’t work for me.

These printable and editable book tub storage labels are available in the Teacher Success Bundle.

More Organization Ideas

glue boxes option for pre-k
Organization Tools for Preschool Teachers
Dramatic Play Theme Storage System for Preschool
DIY File Crate Storage Shelves for Preschool and Kindergarten
DIY File Crate Seat Tutorial
Printable Book Bin Labels for Classroom Read Alouds
Classroom Labels for Preschool
What to do about broken books and toys

2 thoughts on “Teacher Storage and Organization Ideas”

  1. Great Vanessa. Organization of all that stuff is something I continually struggle with. And now I’m getting all new kinds of stuff.

    I’ve not seen those shelves from Amazon. Pretty great!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Scott. As teachers we all have a lot of stuff and storage is definitely a challenge. The shelves are really nice, so glad I saw them on Pinterest 🙂

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