Gingerbread Cakes In A Jar

Gingerbread Jar Cake Recipe

My kids want to bake all of the time, so one of the ways I avoid having too many baked goods in the house is to allow them to make individually portioned treats. Recently, we made these Gingerbread In A Jar Cakes and they were just the right size for a single serving snack!

In a classroom setting, kids could also make these as homemade gifts for mom and dad.

Gingerbread Mason Jar Cakes for preschool

Gingerbread In A Jar

Instead of making our single serving cakes in a mug (which I normally do if I’m just making one for myself), we used mason jars so that the kids could easily take their treats home to share with their families.

Mason jars also tend to be a bit sturdier if the children drop them while you are baking.

Gingerbread Mason Jar Cakes

Gingerbread Jar Cake Recipe

  • 4 Tablespoons flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 Tablespoon brown sugar
  • 3 Tablespoons milk
  • 1/2 Tablespoon oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 Tablespoon molasses
  • Pinch of salt
  1. Stir dry ingredients together thoroughly. Add wet ingredients.
  2. Microwave on high 45 seconds to 1 minute 30 seconds, until cooked all the way through.
  3. Allow to cool before eating.

child assembling gingerbread jar cake recipe

How To Have The Kids Help Make These Gingerbread In A Jar Cakes

For the gingerbread cakes, invite the children measure out the dry ingredients and stir completely.

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Measuring is a great math activity, showing children that different amounts look different – a bigger measurement means more of something is needed, while a smaller measurement calls for less of another ingredient.

wet ingredients being added to mason jar of dry ingredients for gingerbread in a jar

Gingerbread In A Jar Directions

Next, stir the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. You might find it easier to allow the children to measure their wet ingredients into a separate container and then add it to the dry ingredients.

I always like to double check that there are no lumps in these mug cakes, so that the children can really enjoy their treats afterwards. Because we cook these in the microwave, any lumps do not get “baked out” and will result in a big pocket of flour in the cake – yuck!

gingerbread cakes mixing

Heat the cakes on high in your microwave between 45 seconds and 1 minute 30 seconds, depending on the strength of your microwave. (Start at 45 seconds and add on 15-second increments until the cake appears cooked or an inserted toothpick comes out clean.)

The jars will be hot when they are removed from the microwave, but after they are cooled, children can help decorate them – or you can simply fasten the lid onto each jar.

These gingerbread mug cakes make great kid-made gift idea for the holidays, and the kids are so proud to be able to give something that they’ve made “all by themselves!”

More Gingerbread Ideas

study at home mamaBIO: Jennifer Tammy writes at Study at Home Mama where she shares hands-on learning activities, easy recipes, and parenting inspiration. She is a single mom of one, a trained psychologist, and Montessori-certified preschool owner. You can connect with her on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.


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4 thoughts on “Gingerbread Cakes In A Jar”

  1. What size is the mason jar? Can the recipe be doubled? I have a good supply of quart-sized jars and would hate to have to go out and buy smaller.

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